#087 – Judging the San Diego Mac n’ Cheese Fest | Friday Forkisode

  • November 2, 2018

Two award-winning top chefs, a news station producer, a fine-palated foodie, and a podcast host sit down at a table together – no, this isn’t the first line of a very obscure bar joke, this is what happened at the 4th annual San Diego Mac ‘n Cheese Fest!

I had the honor of joining the expert panel of judges at the San Diego Mac & Cheese Fest, and I had a forking blast helping decide the winner of the Best Gourmet Mac n’ Cheese in San Diego. I can’t reveal everything that went down behind the scenes, but I can share a few judge’s secrets with all of you.



So who won this cheesy, covetous prize? You’ll have to listen to find out, but I will tell you a few of my favorites:


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